
Traverse cyberspace to deliver a custom message. Conveys the idea that people are “together even apart” through technology.


  • Zip and fly through an abstract 3D representation of cyberspace as a packet of data
  • Avoid viruses and protect your data with collectibles
  • A bite-sized, relaxing game with a personal twist


  • Convey that people are “Together Even Apart” through technology
  • Relaxing game that captures the feeling of being in space
  • Have movement feel free, fluid, and fast
  • Use minimal text instructions


  • Fit game jam theme: “Together Even Apart”
  • 1 week to develop during a full-time work week
  • 1 developer (myself)



Brainstorm and prototype various mechanics


Send out early prototype to volunteer playtesters

  • Redesign some mechanics based off of how they felt when playing


Minimize scope as much as possible after determining core mechanics

Key Solutions

Below are some of the key mechanics I designed to fit within the project scope

1. The only controls are WASD for movement and mouse for the camera to have more time to polish

Wanted to focus on the overall gameplay feel!

My thought process

  • To put less stress on players, wanted very simple controls
  • Had a very limited amount of time to work on project overall
  • I knew Unity had an add-on that makes implementing a camera quick and simple (Cinemachine)


  • Implementing the basic movement and camera took only an hour using Unity’s features
  • Allowed me to focus on the movement feel in the game

2. Setting is an abstract representation of cyberspace

I wanted the visuals and objects in the game world to feel as coherant as possible

My thought process

  • Wanted a very specific look and color scheme for the game
  • Objects in game should represent something in "cyberspace"
  • Needed to minimize time spent on creating any assets
  • Thought of using shape language and colors to implicitly tell the player the purpose of game world’s objects
    • Red, spiked objects can hurt you (represents viruses that can corrupt or hack data)

    • Orange, rounded objects can help you progress (represents firewalls, password-protected locks, etc)

    • Light blue, spherical objects similar to yourself can be collected to protect you (represents helping to encrypt the data)


  • Only needed one night to create the necessary art assets
  • Eliminated the need to spend time on designing and implementing an in-game HUD
  • Was able to convey the mechanics with minimal text instructions
  • Made the game feel more immersive
  • Shape language helped to convey the same ideas to players who may be colorblind

3. One beginning welcome screen and one ending cutscene to convey the theme "Together Even Apart"

Wanted to convey the game jam theme while also adding a personal aspect to the game

My thought process

  • The player character in the game is an abstract representation of a packet of data
  • You play as the packet of data to help deliver a message
  • Thought about having the player type out their own message to someone they miss
  • Player types out a message in beginning, and is revealed at the end that the person you sent it to recieved your message


  • Made the overall experience feel more personal
  • Tied in all of the game's mechanics into the narrative
  • Received comments from players that the final game was really touching


  • It was good practice on time management and really designing the game in a way to make it simple yet effective, because I was working on this game towards the end of Chonky-19’s development
  • Gave me an opportunity to iterate based off of playtesters' early feedback
  • The game was well-recieved by those who played it, so I'm really happy with my final design decisions
  • I'm proud of myself for challenging myself during the game jam I created this for, and I'm thankful for the welcoming community that made it possible

Published Game Page